Monday, December 15, 2008


26 miles of fun that's what a marathon is,,, pain, fun, same thing right.

Gotta find out more info and get that all put together soon. I was planning on the boston marathon in 09 but with qualifying being so close I don't really see that being possible. But there are other major marathons next year. I want to look into Chicago but I just don't think the Peachtree is a good fit as it will be too hot, way to hot to run that long. I'll try to update with my training progress. Stinks that is so cold out, so it will be off to the treadmill tonight.

Also need to start the xmas shopping stuff, yeah haven't started at all yet. The wrapping part always takes me longer than the shopping part anyway. Also need to start figuring out my moving plan as I'd to be able to start moving at this point next month. Should be pretty quick, and then I get to do some touch up on this place. that part might take a little while....

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