Thursday, June 25, 2009

well umm yeah

ever feel like screaming would make a difference? I'm gonna try it later today and see if it makes me feel better.

I think I'm beginning to be a bit to negative about things that I shouldn't as they are things out of my control.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sleep now little girl

Today my bestfriend had to put his Boxer Roxy to sleep after finding that she had cancer. I feel so bad for him. I cannot imagine that pain. Makes me want to run home and grab Loki and Lilly and never let go.

But on the upside Roxy is in heaven now and she gets to meet my baby girl Dutchess.

Monday, June 08, 2009

dug in

so I'm dug in as good as I can get, and I'm waiting for the storm that I know is over the horizon.